The South Coast Real Estate Round-Up

The Ten Commandments of Buying a Home

March 18th, 2014 7:05 PM by Christopher Terry


  1. Thou shall not change jobs, become self employed, or quit!
  2. Thou shall not buy a car before buying a home! (Or you may be living in it!)
  3. Thou shall not use credit cards excessively or make payments late.
  4. Thou shall not spend money that you are saving and set aside for closing.
  5. Thou shall not omit debts or liabilities on your loan application.
  6. Thou shall not purchase furniture or appliances before closing.
  7. Thou shall not incur credit inquires after applying for a mortgage.
  8. Thou shall not make any large deposits without checking with your loan officer first.
  9. Thou shall not change bank accounts.
  10. Thou shall not co-sign for anyone.

With tight credit standards these "commandments" could make all the difference in the process of becoming a homeowner.

Thank you to Elise Bare of RMS Mortgage for the above information. For more information on these and other obstacles that can derail the financing of your new home contact Elise Bare, NMLS# 699976, of RMS Mortgage direct at 508.728.8174

Posted in:General
Posted by Christopher Terry on March 18th, 2014 7:05 PM


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