The South Coast Real Estate Round-Up

Know Your Options - new foreclosure avoidance help from Fannie Mae

August 3rd, 2010 3:21 PM by Christopher Terry

Fannie Mae launches new website to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. 8 months in the making, this site gives homeowners advice on how to contact their mortgage company to find alternatives to foreclosure for their specific needs and situation.

Go to:  for a link to their new site.

Identifying accurate resources and the right answers for struggling homeowners can be challenging and difficult. With so many resources on the web, homeowners facing hardship and in dispair, they sometimes receive incomplete and at times fraudulent information. This new site from Fannie Mae helps to cut through the clutter.

This maybe one of the best sources of help for distressed homeowners on the web. At EZ Home Search Real Estate and Team EZ REO our goals are to be a source of advice and counsel for homebuyers and sellers. Let us know if we can be of service for your real estate needs.

Posted in:General
Posted by Christopher Terry on August 3rd, 2010 3:21 PM


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