The South Coast Real Estate Round-Up

It's Worse than the Great Depression, Making Opportunities Even Bigger!

June 24th, 2011 7:59 PM by Christopher Terry

We all can see the effects that this housing crisis has had on our property values and our communities. In May 2011 1 in every 834 housing units in Bristol County received a foreclosure notice.

However, we have it good compared to other parts of the county! In Las Vegas NV, 1 on every 94 homes is in foreclosure. AND in one ZIP Code 1 in every 1 home has received a foreclosure notice!

At the height of the Great Depression the average price of a home fell 31%, as of today the average price has dropped 33% with some projecting even further declines!

BUT WAIT! With Adversity Comes Opportunity! This economy has forced interested rates to remain at historically low levels at the same time as home prices continue to remain low. This is an anomaly! Low rates bring more buyers which leads to increased prices, BUT not this time! NOW you can own a home of your own often times for less than renting!

30 Minutes Could Change Your Life! Think I'm Kidding? I'm Not! If you are looking to buy a home, either now or in the near future, I'll show you why it is that you are losing money by renting and not owning (and it's more than you think!). I invite you can take part in a FREE, No-Obligation 30-Minute Home Buyer Consultation. During this 30-minute presentation we review:

  • The home buying process from starting your search to closing on your new home.
  • How to negoitate with homeowners, distressed homeowners, and Bank REO's.
  • How to strengthen your position during the purchase process.
  • Home Inspections and the home inspection process.
  • The difference between pre-approved and pre-qualified and why it matters.
  • What your agent CAN and CAN NOT do for you.
  • What you need to know to protect your rights.
  • And More!

Plus, we'll introduce you to a home buying system that we make available exclusively for our clients. You'll be amazed at how much information is right at your finger tips through this system. 

I can make you a promise. I guarantee that the worse thing that could happen at the end of our 30 Minutes together is that you will leave with more information than when you came in. And information is Power! So give me a call at 508-646-4777 X105. My clients keep me very busy so if I don't pick up leave me a message and I'll get right back to you. 

Do You Like Searching Distressed or Foreclosure Property?
Fall River MA has 265 Foreclosures, Pre-foreclosures, REO,
Bank-owned and Auctions.
And You Can Search Them All or Any Zip Code
Simply by clicking the image below!

Posted in:General
Posted by Christopher Terry on June 24th, 2011 7:59 PM


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