The South Coast Real Estate Round-Up

Enter to Win A Day Your Family Will Never Forget!

June 6th, 2017 12:33 PM by Christopher Terry

Thinking back to my childhood, most of my favorite memories took place in the summertime. There was just something magical about the butterflies in the warm air and the days that seemed to last forever. This magic began to fade as I aged, but the memories of long, careless weekends splashing in the pool with my family are some I will never forget.

We want to share that magical feeling of summer with you and your kids, and that is why we’re giving away four tickets to Water Wizz in Wareham. Take a day off from work and just enjoy the smile on your children’s faces as they slide down the slides, and float through the lazy river. They will only be little for so long, so enjoy the time with them while they still believe in magic.

To enter to win, simply like our Facebook page and share our Summer Giveaway post below! 

Our Apologies: Yesterday you received a blank email, this is what we were intending to send out.  


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